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Join date: Nov 5, 2023


Tell us about yourself - I am a father, a son, a brother, a black man and a cyclist. I work with vulnerable young people and I build bicycle frames. I believe in community, unity, empathy, laughter and hope.

What do you love about cycling - I love that cycling can take me, literally and figuratively, to all manner of beautiful places. Cycling has introduced me to close friends and has an amazing community. I love that cycling can be cathartic and allow time and space to process be it on a commute or a 200km ride.

What barriers have you faced in cycling - The largest barriers I have faced have been in my own mind. This is mainly down to a lack of representation and an imposter syndrome.

Why were you interested in contributing? - Seeing is believing and so I believe if we share our journeys we’ll encourage others to share theirs too, no matter how scary that may feel. It certainly does for me! I see cycling as a gift and if we can share stories with one another and that inspires others then we’ve shared our gift.

Your fondest memory on the bike - I have many fond memories on a bike from childhood memories of exploring with friends to camping trips with my children so it almost feels cruel to pick a fond memory but… the first time I rode Paris Brest Paris will live long in my memory. PBP is a 1200km Audax which you need to qualify for by riding 200,300,400 and 600km rides. I qualified with members of my cycle club, Audax Club Bristol, and then rode the event with many friends. The whole event is a spectacle like no other with locals coming ut to cheer you on along the 600km out and back route. Although I’ve ridden it twice since there was something magical about that 2015 edition.

Telbert James

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