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Join date: Nov 5, 2023


Tell us about yourself. Hello, I'm Daniel. I started my cycling journey 3 years ago. I do crit and Road races and Triathlons.

What do you love about cycling? - The different types of people I get to meet who enjoy the same sport and whom otherwise I might have never met. - The exploring nature that cycling brings into my life. Got me from being the laziest child to the most active and cheerful member of my family. - I love the freedom cycling comes with. (Mental Health) - It has brought valuable friends who I enjoy spending time with.

What barriers have you faced in cycling? -Body shaming: Being too skinny. - People threatened by my age and potential. Closing doors on my opportunities.

Why were you interested in contributing? - Inspire young people of colour to join the sport. - Share my experience and journey. - Support such unique platforms in the cycling community.

Your fondest memory on the bike? - Cycling in Devon. Great views of sunrises and sunsets, extremely steep hills and full of raw nature.


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